Research conducted by Exact Target and discussed last week by eMarketer revealed that Twitter follower have a greater propensity to make a purchase than Facebook fans. The data showed that the Twitter followers (37%) were more than twice as likely to make a purchase from a brand they follow than Facebook fans (17%).
To take this one step further the research indicated that these same Twitter followers (33%) were more like to recommend a brand than the Facebook fans (21%).
These results support the finding that Charles Martin Bailey released earlier this year that also showed Twitter followers had a greater likelihood than Facebook fans to purchase products and services.
So given these results my take away for interactive marketers is:
- First: There is value in being active/social, but you need to delivering content
- Second: Twitter followers are buyers and promoters
- Third: Facebook fans are more like to already be a fan of the brand and is there is chance for them to increase their spending on that brand?
- Finally: If a business has limited resources to be “Social” online, those resources need to place Twitter as their first priority.